"What if...." is one of the most common thoughts, responses, and weights that one can be attributed to the experience surrounding loss and grief. No matter what we have lost, we yearn for what once was or question what things might look like had things gone differently. And a lot of that, unfortunately, can be self-inflicted blame or pressure to make the situation a better one.
Being able to recognize the "new normal" that you are put into, along with realizing what you are able to take control of and change is essential for getting through those tougher times when you do miss someone or a certain situation. Being able to in a healthy way, engage with those thoughts and be present with those feelings while recognizing them as indicators and guideposts for your human experience can greatly increase the peace and acceptance during those hard times.
You can do hard things. And things will get better. In moments where things get harder you can do some different breathing techniques and/or positive thought exercises. Don't sweat the small stuff and realize that "Everything will be ok in the end.... If it's not all ok.. it's not the end"