How It Got Started
What is it that fuels each and every one of us in this world? For me, it is the fact that we each have a unique story and perspective. What we engage in plays a great role in the decisions that we decide to make and what communities we pay attention to. I grew up in the Seattle area and came to Boise State University for College where I am now majoring in Communication with a Marketing Minor. I enjoy exploring more about my passions, what interests me, what interests other people, and sharing it with the world. I enjoy Video Games, Sports, Podcasts, Movies, and how people collaborate to make art and obtain a greater reach, following, and impact on the world.
If you want to follow me and my content curation work on my Instagram @FauxFoliage
I plan on providing updates and posting there daily, while updates for this specific webpage will occur at least twice weekly on Wednesdays and Sundays.